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About Yellow Brick Road

Connection, a sense of belonging and working together are crucial for the wellbeing of all individuals, whānau and communities.

Welcome to Yellow Brick Road.

Formerly known as Supporting Families NZ, we’re Yellow Brick Road; a national organisation that provides support for whānau who have a loved one experiencing mental health challenges.

After 40 years of experience working with people around New Zealand, we see that if the family of a loved one experiencing mental distress are correctly supported and empowered, the path they walk leads to increased wellbeing for the whole whānau.

Every day we set out to ensure they feel listened to, supported, equipped and confident to overcome the challenges they face.

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Positive change is our singular focus. 

We’re not just in the business of building resilience. Instead, we actively walk alongside the people we support, through all their challenges till the wellbeing of their whānau is restored. We respect all cultures and tailor our support for each individual with a range of different choices. 

As well as supporting people at a deeply personal level, we work with our communities to provide effective services for their changing needs. Networking and collaborating with local Iwi providers is an important part of this.

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We are Yellow Brick Road


Why are we here?

We are here to support families and whānau who are supporting their family/whānau member with mental health challenges.

Family and whānau are often the best people to support family members with mental health challenges. We are here for families and whānau whenever that need arises.


What is our dream?

Families, whānau and communities are well supported, resourced and recognised for their role as New Zealand’s most significant support network for people with mental health challenges.


Yellow Brick Road Services

We want our support to inspire people to start their journey along the yellow brick road towards mental wellbeing. 

We provide a range of Yellow Brick Road services nationally, which are suitable for all whānau members and age ranges.


Yellow Brick Road support, information, education and advocacy services include:

  • 1-on-1 and group support sessions
  • Innovative mental health and wellbeing programmes for adults, tamariki and rangatahi
  • Women-specific support
  • Advocacy, for when whānau find it difficult to access the services they need
  • Family peer support groups
  • Suicidal distress & postvention support
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